jkanban - 支持拖拽的任务看板JS组件
<link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/jkanban.min.css">
<script src="path/to/jkanban.min.js"></script>
var kanban = new jKanban(options)
var kanban = new jKanban({
element : '', // selector of the kanban container
gutter : '15px', // gutter of the board
widthBoard : '250px', // width of the board
responsivePercentage: false, // if it is true I use percentage in the width of the boards and it is not necessary gutter and widthBoard
dragItems : true, // if false, all items are not draggable
boards : [], // json of boards
dragBoards : true, // the boards are draggable, if false only item can be dragged
itemAddOptions: {
enabled: false, // add a button to board for easy item creation
content: '+', // text or html content of the board button
class: 'kanban-title-button btn btn-default btn-xs', // default class of the button
footer: false // position the button on footer
itemHandleOptions: {
enabled : false, // if board item handle is enabled or not
handleClass : "item_handle", // css class for your custom item handle
customCssHandler : "drag_handler", // when customHandler is undefined, jKanban will use this property to set main handler class
customCssIconHandler: "drag_handler_icon", // when customHandler is undefined, jKanban will use this property to set main icon handler class. If you want, you can use font icon libraries here
customHandler : "<span class='item_handle'>+</span> %title% " // your entirely customized handler. Use %title% to position item title
// any key's value included in item collection can be replaced with %key%
click : function (el) {}, // callback when any board's item are clicked
context : function (el, event) {}, // callback when any board's item are right clicked
dragEl : function (el, source) {}, // callback when any board's item are dragged
dragendEl : function (el) {}, // callback when any board's item stop drag
dropEl : function (el, target, source, sibling) {}, // callback when any board's item drop in a board
dragBoard : function (el, source) {}, // callback when any board stop drag
dragendBoard : function (el) {}, // callback when any board stop drag
buttonClick : function(el, boardId) {}, // callback when the board's button is clicked
propagationHandlers: [], // the specified callback does not cancel the browser event. possible values: "click", "context"
"id" : "board-id-1", // id of the board
"title" : "Board Title", // title of the board
"class" : "class1,class2,...", // css classes to add at the title
"dragTo": ['another-board-id',...], // array of ids of boards where items can be dropped (default: [])
"item" : [ // item of this board
"id" : "item-id-1", // id of the item
"title" : "Item 1" // title of the item
"class" : ["myClass",...] // array of additional classes
"id" : "item-id-2",
"title" : "Item 2"
"id" : "board-id-2",
"title" : "Board Title 2"
"id" : "board-id-1",
"title" : "Board Title",
"item" : [
"id" : "item-id-1",
"title" : "Item 1",
"username": "username1"
"id" : "item-id-2",
"title" : "Item 2",
"username": "username2"
<main class="kanban-drag">
<div class="kanban-item" data-eid="item-id-1" data-username="username1">Item 1</div>
<div class="kanban-item" data-eid="item-id-2" data-username="username2">Item 2</div>
Method Name | Arguments | Description |
addElement |
boardID, element, position |
Add element in the board with ID boardID , element is the standard format. If position is set, inserts at position starting from 0 |
addForm |
boardID, formItem |
Add formItem as html element into the board with ID boardID |
addBoards |
boards |
Add one or more boards in the kanban, boards are in the standard format |
findElement |
id |
Find board's item by id |
replaceElement |
id, element |
Replace item by id with element JSON standard format |
getParentBoardID |
id |
Get board ID of item id passed |
findBoard |
id |
Find board by id |
getBoardElements |
id |
Get all item of a board |
removeElement |
id |
Remove a board's element by id |
removeBoard |
id |
Remove a board by id |